Sunday, July 5, 2015

TIny House Movement

A lot of young people are in serious debt these days. There aren't just the expensive loans for college. Many young people choose to live with their parents until they either pay off their loans or settle down, and then they just get stuck with the debt of a mortgage in most cases.
In my case, I have a ton of student loans as well as medical debt. And I will never get these paid off if I have to pay expensive rent or mortgage payments.

Last month I heard of something called the Tiny House Movement. I must say I'm intrigued by the idea.

While money is definitely an issue, if I could pull something like this off, I'd be rent and mortgage free before I turn 25.

You might argue that a person can't live in that small of a space. I'd have to disagree. I lived in a dorm room for awhile, and I still had tons of space to spare. And if you say that that didn't include stuff for other rooms, you'd be wrong. I had a bedroom/office, a kitchenette, and a bathroom. And I got by just fine.

Also, because the cost of utilities is so low on these tiny houses (especially if they can run off-grid), I'd be saving tons of money. The only expenses would be food and toiletries for myself and my lizards. And if I so choose, I could pay utilities if I found a lot that had hookups.

My point is that I'd actually be saving up in the long run for later in life. I'd have more money to settle down and my retirement fund wouldn't be run by over-zealous government officials who can't manage a piggy bank.

What do you think? Could you live in a tiny house if it meant saving some serious cash?

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