Monday, December 7, 2015

Lizard Custom Cage: Update 2

I still haven't gotten around to building Basil's new vivarium. But I've come to the conclusion that it will have to be much bigger than I had estimated. I've been putting back savings to make it a reality. For now, I've just been adding elements to the cage and trying to purchase a humidifier to modify for him.

I think that I will make his vivarium a fully-integrated smart environment for him when I get the chance to build the new Viv. Including fully automated heat/moisture/lighting control. It will be great.

Update: December 2015

Well, its been awhile since my last post. Things have been crazy with my job. And its not exactly a good fit for me right now. I've been updating my resume and putting in applications like crazy. Because part-time retail does *not* pay the bills.

On another note, I think I've figured out what I want to do with my schooling. Integrated tech environments. Taking smart-tech to a new level. And my first project is, of course, Basil's vivarium. As soon as I can save enough money for the build, its getting fully integrated.

Speaking of Basil, he is fine. As is Reptar, Jake (my dog), Frank (my brother's iguana), and the unnamed betta fish.

Things are going well, other than work. But hopefully that will change soon and I can take some more classes.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

LIzard Custom Cage Update #1

So yesterday I finally took the measurements for the cabinet/dresser Basil's cage will sit in until I move. I then did some research into glass companies so I could find the absolute best deal on glass panels for Basil's new cage.

The first site I looked at was ridiculously expensive. For the seven glass panels I'd need, they would have charged me over $1000 for annealed (non-safety) glass with no edge finishing. This didn't even include shipping.

Feeling a bit discouraged but not wanting to give up, I looked at a few more company's websites.

Finally, I found one. This company would only charge me about $400 for tempered safety glass panels, with finished edges. Best of all, even with shipping it will only cost me $576 for all of the glass I need. You may think that's a ridiculous price for shipping something ground, but glass is really heavy, and this cage is going to be fairly large.

Basil's finished cage will be 35 1/2" wide, 22" deep, and 36" tall. The front will have an 8" high panel on the bottom to hold in the substrate/pond, and then there will be two large sliding glass doors above that. I am using wire mesh for the top to allow ventilation.

So $576 for the cage, $10 for aquarium silicone, probably $25 for the U-channels and extrusions, and $30 for a roll of welded wire mesh. I will have extra mesh, unfortunately, but its hard to find rolls less than 50 feet long. This leaves me with an approximate total of $640. Yes, that's expensive for what amounts to a 120-gallon tank, but when you have custom size requirements, I guess you get what you pay for.

All in all, it will take several months to finish this cage considering a) I will be working a minimum wage job, most likely, and b) I do still have bills to pay. But Basil will be fine for a few months. And in the end, this cage will be truly magnificent.

TIny House Movement

A lot of young people are in serious debt these days. There aren't just the expensive loans for college. Many young people choose to live with their parents until they either pay off their loans or settle down, and then they just get stuck with the debt of a mortgage in most cases.
In my case, I have a ton of student loans as well as medical debt. And I will never get these paid off if I have to pay expensive rent or mortgage payments.

Last month I heard of something called the Tiny House Movement. I must say I'm intrigued by the idea.

While money is definitely an issue, if I could pull something like this off, I'd be rent and mortgage free before I turn 25.

You might argue that a person can't live in that small of a space. I'd have to disagree. I lived in a dorm room for awhile, and I still had tons of space to spare. And if you say that that didn't include stuff for other rooms, you'd be wrong. I had a bedroom/office, a kitchenette, and a bathroom. And I got by just fine.

Also, because the cost of utilities is so low on these tiny houses (especially if they can run off-grid), I'd be saving tons of money. The only expenses would be food and toiletries for myself and my lizards. And if I so choose, I could pay utilities if I found a lot that had hookups.

My point is that I'd actually be saving up in the long run for later in life. I'd have more money to settle down and my retirement fund wouldn't be run by over-zealous government officials who can't manage a piggy bank.

What do you think? Could you live in a tiny house if it meant saving some serious cash?

Lizards Don't Like Lemons

Last year life sent me a lot of lemons. Big ones. That people used to squirt the juice of in my eyes. It was quite unpleasant. I had just suffered a horrible breakup and lost a lot of friends because of it. I was lonely.

My brother had just gotten a job as a manager at our local big-box pet store. I went to visit him at work one day, and the next thing I know I had spent a large sum of cash on a new friend named Reptar.

Reptar is a Leopard Gecko. Most people would take one look at him and say, "Ewww. Why on earth would you buy a lizard?!" But my only response is that Reptar is awesome. He helped pull me through a really tough time in my life. And it helps that he's absolutely adorable!

Seriously. Reptar is like owning a cat but without the smell and hair and noise. He stalks his food like a cat, he watches TV, he only uses the bathroom in one corner of his cage. It would be totally easy to house train him if I wanted.

A couple of months ago, I was at my brother's store again. I'm sure you can guess what happened.

Yes, I got talked into buying another lizard. This time I bought a juvenile Chinese Water Dragon. I'm not sure if its a male or female, but I'm leaning toward male so I call him a he. Just in case, though, I gave him a gender-neutral name. This is Basil:

Basil is totally awesome. He's a huge fan of water, as his species name implies. And loves to be petted and to roam around my room. He too, loves TV. It must be a reptile thing.

The only problem with Basil is that he hates being confined. When I let him roam, I sometimes forget to close my door and that leads to me thinking he's escaped the house. Its truly nerve wrecking because I don't want anything to happen to him. Also, he is growing too fast for his current cage to be of much help.

So my solution is this: Once I get a bit more incoming cash flow, Basil is getting a new custom cage. For now it will only be half the size he'd need as an adult, but since it will give him room to grow and he also gets to roam, I think it will be okay for a couple of years.

When Basil gets moved to his new cage, Reptar will get Basil's old one since its bigger. Then maybe I'll get Reptar a lady friend to keep him company.

Anyway, this post is getting lengthy so I will post more about the lizards and the cage updates later on.

Why I'm Writing This Blog

They say that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. 

Well, I've had a lot of lemons rain down from the heavens during the last 5 years. And frankly, I want to take those lemons, destroy them, and turn their lemon-scented corpses into pie. Because I like pie. And why not?

But life doesn't work that way. Unless you want to go to prison. Which I don't. I have much too much potential to waste on prison.

So my solution is to take life by the horns and do what I want for me. This blog will be a place for me to physically write down what I want from life, all my goals, ideas, and achievements.

I won't lie, there will be a lot of posts in the near future because I have a lot on my mind. I hope its not too boring and that whomever stops by enjoys what I have to say.